
About the solver

Journal paper

Polymorphic kinetics

Journal paper

1D NMPC development

Journal paper

1D NMPC implementation

Journal paper

2D simulation

Journal paper

Publication List

  1. Botond Szilagyi and Zoltan K. Nagy, 2018. Aspect Ratio Distribution and Chord Length Distribution Driven Modeling of Crystallization of Two-Dimensional Crystals for RealTime Model-Based Applications, Crystal Growth & Design
  2. Botond Szilágyi, Ákos Borsos, Kanjakha Pal, Zoltán K. Nagy, 2018. Experimental implementation of a Quality-by-Control (QbC) framework using a mechanistic PBM-based nonlinear model predictive control involving chord length distribution measurement for the batch cooling crystallization of L-ascorbic acid, Chemical Engineering Science
  3. Botond Szilágyi, Paul Şerban Agachi, and Zoltán K. Nagy, 2018. Chord Length Distribution Based Modeling and Adaptive Model Predictive Control of Batch Crystallization Processes Using High Fidelity Full Population Balance Models, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
  4. Elena Simone, Botond Szilagyi, Zoltan K. Nagy, 2017. Systematic model identification and optimization-based active polymorphic control of crystallization processes, Chemical Engineering Science, 174, 374-386
  5. Botond Szilagyi, Zoltan K. Nagy, 2016. Graphical processing unit (GPU) acceleration for numerical solution of population balance models using high resolution finite volume algorithm, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 91, 167-181
  6. Botond Szilagyi, Zoltan K. Nagy, 2015. Graphical Processing Unit Accelerated Solution of Multi-Dimensional Population Balance Equations using the High Resolution Finite Volume Algorithm, European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 25), Coppenhagen (DK)