
Zoltan K. Nagy

Prof. Nagy joined Purdue University in 2012 as Professor of Chemical Engineering in the School of Chemical Engineering. Prior to this he was a Professor of Process Systems Engineering at Loughborough University, UK.

His research interest includes pharmaceutical engineering, crystallization systems engineering, modelling, optimization and control of complex process systems, process analytical technologies, systems pedagogy and technology enhanced learning.

He is associate editor for numerous international journals in the areas of process control and crystallization and received awards from IFAC, IEEE, IChemE, ACS, Royal Academy of Engineering, among others, for his work in advanced control, crystallization and his educational achievements.

Botond Szilagyi

Botond Szilagyi earned his PhD from the Babes-Bolyai University, under the co-supervisors prof. Z.K. Nagy and prof. B.G. Lakatos from University of Pannonia and Prof P.S. Agachi from the BBU. Currently he works as a post-doctoral research associate in the group of Dr. Nagy.

His research interest is the process engineering, especially the population balance based modelling, optimization and control of cooling crystallizers. He has more than ten ISI indexed publications and numerous conference presentations.

Botond received awards and scholarships from EFCE, HCS (Hungarian Chemical Society), WFS (World Federation of Scientists) and Hungarian National Excellence Programme for the research results. He attended numerous research internships in Hungary, UK and US on the model based analysis of cooling crystallizers.